Hey friends!

Some of you might be interested in the event I'm hosting below - would love to see some of y'alls faces. 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lindley Mease <lindleymease@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Save the date! Feb 26 grassroots electoral organizing 101 + fundraiser

Dear community, 

tldr; hosting a night on Feb 26th to learn about grassroots, electoral, power-building efforts in communities of color nationally, and invest in those groups via Movement Voter Project. RSVP HERE (pw: movement). 

When I think of elections, I think of power-building, an opportunity to re-imagine our governance to actually listen to and act for all, and an invitation to transcend us vs. them narratives. I have learned so much from canvassing this week- in particular how motivated people are for change, and how that change happens through relationship. I know I can multiply my impact by investing in long-term organizing efforts, not one-off campaigns, that will also hold leaders accountable once they've been elected. And I know that the most effective groups are those that already have relationships with low-turnout voters and are working to empower voters (not candidates). This is precisely what Movement Voter Project enables. 

From MVP: "Record-breaking billions of dollars are already being spent pushing a dangerous, hate-filled agenda that includes gutting our education system, tearing families apart, ending environmental protections, and massive increases in for-profit prison systems. Meanwhile, the local grassroots organizations that are working to improve their communities and turn out voters are seriously underfunded. They need our help to win. MVP has identified hundreds of local organizations that can increase voter turnout and build long-term grassroots power to transform our country. In 2018, MVP helped donors move $14 million to 354 local groups in 42 states, and 100% of funds raised went directly to these groups. For 2020, we want to raise $100 million."

This night is for you if you want a primer on smart electoral strategy, want inroads to support powerful organizing, and/or want to help yourself or others move money.

February 26th, 6:30pm
POTLUCK: Bring a dish or beverage you love, and a friend :)
564 El Dorado Ave, Oakland

RSVP here (pw: movement)

With love and agitation, 

Lindley Mease

Walls turned sideways are bridges.

- Angela Davis

Lindley Mease

Walls turned sideways are bridges.

- Angela Davis