I trust Matt! And this org looks cool. Zoom call Tue 6pm. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: 'Matt Evans <mattyevans@gmail.com>
Date: August 26, 2020 at 11:11:51 PM PDT
To: greenermind group <greenermind@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Greenermind] Fair Democracy Please - A Fireside Zoom Chat
Reply-To: mattyevans@gmail.com

Hi Friends,


This is the second of 3 promised democracy related emails... sorry if we haven't spoken in a while and now I'm spamming you about the future of our nation :). I hope you all are safe and as well as can be hoped for during this difficult time.


The Invite:


TL;DR: I’d love to invite you to a brief Zoom chat with a friend who leads one of my favorite organizations, Forward Majority.  All you need to join the call is interest in a more fair democracy and an hour to listen while you cook or do whatever else you might be doing at 6pm next Tuesday Sept 1 PDT.


To RSVP for the event: https://forwardmajority.rsvpify.com


Now more than ever, we need a fair democracy in which everyone can vote and each vote counts the same.


Instead, district maps are drawn by the majority party in state legislatures, and insane levels of gerrymandering by the GOP have resulted in perversions of democracy. For example, in Texas, Democrats get ~47% of the vote but only hold 36% of congressional seats. Texas state reps have made it harder for people of color to vote, and concentrated them into districts that reduce their voice. 

Forward Majority zeros in on winnable but neglected state races that have the best chance of flipping entire statehouses - giving Democrats the authority to block voter suppression laws and stop undemocratic gerrymandering before it’s locked in for another 10 years in 2021. 

Forward Majority's team is made up of presidential-level campaign talent who create and deploy cutting edge, and hyper-cost-effective campaigns via digital and other paid media.  Their model specifically focuses on under-resourced races, where they use an aggressive, data-driven strategy to take risks where Democrats have largely failed to invest. 


I support them because they are data driven, scrappy, and extremely resource efficient. And because they carefully measure, and achieve results. 


I would love for you to learn more. Please join me on Tuesday Sept 1 at 6pm Pacific time for an informational Zoom with Forward Majority. We’ll hear from Vicky Hausman, who founded Forward Majority in 2017.


There is no obligation, if all you do is learn about them, and tell one other person, that will make me happy :) However, if you are so motivated you can support them at: https://go.forwardmajority.org/zoomraiser.


Thank you for reading,

Matt and my co-hosts Alex, Steven, and Michael

ps, the fireside part of fireside chat was a gimmick to get you to click and is not safe due to current air quality conditions

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