Hi folks,

My friend Steven is a wonderful and very thoughtful human who started a mailing list for sharing resources/actions/conversations around racial justice. So far it's been low-traffic and new content for me, and I thought some of you may be interested.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Steven Michael Crane <stevenmcrane@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 2:02 PM
Subject: In case you missed it... a social justice list to help us do better

Hello friends far and wide,

This might have come your way already, but I wanted to send it once more just in case it missed you.

To help keep myself and others informed and accountable for ongoing support of racial justice causes, I made a new email list which you are welcome to join here: https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/socialjusticebulletin
This is a moderated distribution list started in an effort to promote *conversation* and *action* among friends, family, and colleagues, especially those who recognize their privileges and want to do better to show up for racial justice.

Once you open the signup link, just put your email in the main box that looks like this:
You don't need to make an account/password.

It won't be high traffic: probably once a week or so.

I know there's a wide spectrum of experiences out there.  Many of you are far more advanced in action and knowledge in the racial justice area, and from you, I welcome all your corrections and feedback and inspiration.  And for those who are "racial-justice skeptical" but are open to good-faith discussion and curious inquiry, I welcome your questions and I hope to help you make progress in this area.



Steven Michael Crane
Behavior Designer: Screentime Genie
stevoc@stanford.edu | stevenmcrane@gmail.com | (650) 720-5070