Hey everyone! I know I've been dropping some grandiose paradigms today, but I'm just getting started. Got at least another two paradigms in me (one for economics, one for the digital humanities), probably also a third one (for neuroscience). I'm going to try to ship notes for the first two either tonight or tomorrow.

Anyway, if you are intrigued by my posts but feel unqualified to assist, please think of someone who might be better equipped to help and invite them to join the list?

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 7:01 AM, Austin C Stone <austinstone@utexas.edu> wrote:
Hey everyone,

I'm a friend of Eric. I'm not very good at math but I like it a lot. I'm excited to learn.

- AustinĀ 

On Mar 27, 2018 6:04 AM, "Eric Purdy" <epurdy@uchicago.edu> wrote:
Probably going to start posting some stuff tomorrow. How is everyone?


Math mailing list
