In a time of sickness, a little more than two years and a half ago, I was brought so near the gates of death that I forgot my name. Being then desirous to know who I was, I saw a mass of matter of a dull gloomy color between the south and the east, and was informed that this mass was human beings in as great misery as they could be, and live, and that I was mixed with them, and that henceforth I might not consider myself as a distinct or separate being. In this state I remained several hours. I then heard a soft melodious voice, more pure and harmonious than any I had heard with my ears before; I believed it was the voice of an angel who spake to the other angels; the words were, “John Woolman is dead.” I soon remembered that I was once John Woolman, and being assured that I was alive in the body, I greatly wondered what that heavenly voice could mean. I believed beyond doubting that it was the voice of an holy angel, but as yet it was a mystery to me. |
I was then carried in spirit to the mines where poor oppressed people were digging rich treasures for those called Christians, and heard them blaspheme the name of Christ, at which I was grieved, for his name to me was precious. I was then informed that these heathens were told that those who oppressed them were the followers of Christ, and they said among themselves, “If Christ directed them to use us in this sort, then Christ is a cruel tyrant.” |
All this time the song of the angel remained a mystery; and in the morning, my dear wife and some others coming to my bedside, I asked them if they knew who I was, and they telling me I was John Woolman, thought I was light-headed, for I told them not what the angel said, nor was I disposed to talk much to any one, but was very desirous to get so deep that I might understand this mystery. |
My tongue was often so dry that I could not speak till I had moved it about and gathered some moisture, and as I lay still for a time I at length felt a Divine power prepare my mouth that I could speak, and I then said, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Then the mystery was opened and I perceived there was joy in heaven over a sinner who had repented, and that the language “John Woolman is dead,” meant no more than the death of my own will. |
Two or three times in my life I have felt something like what James describes, the feeling of something being really present in the room that had no physical form. If I had to describe its "appearance" I'd say it was like some kind of pulsing blue crystal several feet tall, floating in the corner of the room. At the time I felt an abstract sense that this thing was very significant and powerful, although it didn't speak to me or move me to do anything in particular. All of these experiences happened late at night as I was drifting off to sleep. Each time when I woke up in the morning the vision had lost all of its significance. But perhaps if I had been experiencing the kind of spiritual crisis that James will describe in the lectures on conversion, I might have made more of it.On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 11:27 PM, Eric Purdy <> wrote:But more specifically, the ones about perceiving a divine presence or having conversations with the divine.--On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Eric Purdy <> wrote:
Any of them, really.--On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Ruth Raubertas <> wrote:
Are you talking about the positive or the negative experiences? Or anything in particular? Lecture 3 covers a broad scope of experiences.RR
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Eric Purdy <> wrote:_______________________________________________I've heard of similar things from two of my friends.--
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