Hi all,
My name is Andrew, I've just moved to Denver after a short stint in St. Louis and 10 years in Chicago. I think I may be the only person here to have never been a student at the U of C, but I've done 7 ScavHunts now and been to a few parties at Moomers, so that's roughly the equivalent, I feel. In that regards, some of you may know me or know of me as Looptopia Man. My last job was as an archaeologist and I'm planning on a future career in mapping.
I've was raised agnostic and am now atheist, but have gone to Catholic school from 7th grade through college at Loyola. Some of my best friends are extraordinarily devout, and I sometimes have a hard time understanding that, so I'm hoping this will help. I'm also planning on reading Alain de Botton's Religion for Atheists pretty soon, and hope that James and de Botton will pair well together. And like Steven said, my academic reading has sharply fallen off after graduation, and I'd like to change that.
participants (1)
Andrew Kyser